Coding Dojo Update - Black Belt Completed

  19 Aug 2015

Hey readers,

Yesterday I found out that I passed the black belt. Not only was it a huge relief, but an accomplishment that really shows how far this bootcamp will take you in a short amount of time. With that being said, there is still a whole other course to get through before the end of the program (iOS Swift, can't wait!!!).

Some details on the black belt:

  • It was 5 hours long. It went by in what seemed like 2 hours.
  • The basic requirements were implementing a user login, backend REST API, basic CRUD operations, as well as embedded documents.
  • I passed with a 8.75/10

For readers who might join the Dojo or are a part of it but haven't gotten to the MEAN black belt, take another look at bullet point two. If you can do those things in the MEAN stack, you're chances of passing go up exponentially.

I ended up with an 8.75 due to a not-so-functional user registration and lack of validations. I think in the end the most important functionality was getting the RESTful API sending data back and forth properly. It really is the core of the application, so if you can build one confidently then don't be too nervous.

Now we are on to project week. I've had a really difficult time deciding what I wanted to pursue, but I've ended up on making a User Dashboard application. Right now I've set up very basic login/registration functionality, but the next (and hardest part) will be incorporating various API's as data sources to display on the dashboard. Although most API's are relatively easy to work with and pull data from, social API's seem to go up in their level of difficulty to use, due to complexities in verifying the identity. I may pivot and decide on another project, but I'll see where this takes me.

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