Coding Dojo Week 0 - Prework - Entry 1

  18 Jun 2015

When I signed up for the Coding Dojo back in May, I didn't necessarily know what I wanted out of it. As a 19-year old college student, I've heard every reason as to why completing college is important. I signed up for the Coding Dojo Summer Session primarily because it gives me flexibility. Depending on my experiences, I could either pursue work full-time or use my newfound knowledge to help me pursue my degree in Informatics and potentially start a side-business. Now with the Dojo starting next week, I am trying to anticipate which way it will go, but I want to document my experiences along the way.

I have now started the pre-coursework for the Dojo. Being a student, I didn't get much time to finish much of the pre-coursework prior to this week. With my quarter now over, and the Dojo starting in less than seven days, I'm hunkering down and attempting to finish the 50 hours of coursework before I start.

As a little bit of discretion, I do have some previous CS knowledge. I have taken an introductory Java class, which has helped immensely in preventing me from starting from square one with the pre-coursework. Just as I read many times online, once you learn the basics of programming, switching between languages isn't too hard. All I needed to do was familiarize myself with JS syntax, but the actual problem solving stays nearly identical.

In the time of writing this, I've completed the Midterm and will be moving on to the "Advanced Coursework". I am extremely eager for the actual Dojo to begin, and I can't wait to see my own progress through this 12 week journey!


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